Laparoscopic Stomach Stapling

More than 400,000 cases where performed to date. The key for success is to perform the procedure with the same exact measurements that Ed Mason described. The operation gives satiety after consuming a very small amount of food. Extra food will cause nausea and vomiting. The week point of this procedure is that it does not limit fluid intake so that if the patients takes high calorie fluids excessively (namely sweets and sugars) the operation will fail. The operation is done laparoscopically (4 small incisions, 1 day in hospital).

Frequently Asked Questions

The operation increases tremendously the chances for conception and pregnancy. In our group of patients we have seen 40 full term pregnancies with normal weight babies and weight gain during pregnancy was 8-12 kilograms (normal weight gain). We usually advise birth control in the first 6 months after surgery except for cases with infertility, where we do not use any birth control.

It is completely reversible (even laparoscopically) but of course reversal will be followed by weight gain.

Vomiting with over eating and weight gain with sweet consumption are the main side effects.

You can eat any type of food in small quantities. No sugar during weight loss and mild sugar intake after weight loss. Protein (fish, chicken, meat) and salad are encouraged. Vomiting is uncommon.

The only way you will gain weight is if you increase high calorie liquid or semisolid food intake (Deserts, chocolate, ice-creamm frapes, etc). The stomach dilates in a calculated fashion to make you able to eat enough food to maintain and stabilize your weight.

400,000 cases were done since 1980 and no effect on the stomach was seen.

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