DR Khaled Gawdat
Professor of General Surgery Ain-Shams School of Medicine
Dr. Khaled Gawdat is the pioneer of morbid obesity surgery in the Middle East.
He introduced obesity surgery to Egypt in 1996. Being a full time morbid obesity surgeon, he has extensive experience with all types of obesity operations، number of cases performed more than 2500 cases since 1996. He has pioneered performing obesity operations through a very small (5cm) incision as well as performing all procedures laparoscopically.
His approach to obesity surgery is to tailor the obesity procedure to the individual patient.
He has performed open surgery for weights up to 450 Kgs (>1000 lbs) and laparoscopic surgery for weights up to 300 Kgs (800 lbs). He also pioneered the post weight loss plastic surgery and devised the total body lifting procedure to accomplish complete body shaping in one session.
Date of Birth:
March, 18, 1962
MBBCH 1985 (M.D.) Ain-Shams School of Medicine Cairo Egypt Master Degree In general Surgery (1989) Ain-Shams School of medicine PhD Degree in General Surgery (1992 Ain-Shams School of Medicine
Current Post:
Professor of General Surgery Ain-Shams School of Medicine
Bariatric Surgery Posts:
Founder of The Egyptian Society for Bariatric Surgery (ESBS) 1999 President of the ESBS: 1999-2000, 2001-2002, 2005-2006 Editorial Board: Obesity Surgery Journal Member and Egyptian representative in IFSO since 1999
Bariatric Surgery Experience:
Devoted 100% bariatric practice Bariatric cases Performed to date: 2500 + cases
Bariatric procedures performed :
Laparoscopic RYGB, Laparoscopic VBG, Laparoscopic BPD (stopped offering LAGB), Laparoscopic revisional procedures after open or laparoscopic bariatric surgery, Open mini-incision procedures, laparoscopic mini gastric bypass and laparoscopic sleeve.
Published Papers:
Gastric Restrictive Procedures Through a Mini-Incision: A Cost-Effective Alternative to Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgery in Egypt
Author: Gawdat K
Source: Obesity Surgery, 1 October 1999, vol. 9, no. 5, pp. 456-458(3)
Bariatric Re-operations: Are They Preventable?
Author: Gawdat Khaled
Source: Obesity Surgery, 1 December 2000, vol. 10, no. 6, pp. 525-529(5)
Radiology after Bariatric Surgery.
Khaled Gawdat,M.D. Maha Hussein, M.D.
Effect of gastric bypass on poly cystic ovaries
Khaled Gawdat,M.D., Alaa Al-Fiky, M.D.
Papers presented in conferences:
- Esophageal trans-illumination for a safer lap-band placement.
- Gastric Restrictive Procedures Through a Mini-Incision: A Cost-Effective Alternative to Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgery in Egypt
- Bariatric Re-operations: Are They Preventable?
- Bariatric Surgery in Egypt: a report of 101 cases.
- Comparing four Bariatric procedures: Do we have an ideal procedure yet?
- Bariatric Surgery for children and adolescents: What are the indications?
- Modified long VBG versus Gastric banding: Is adjustability really an advantage?
- Bariatric surgery reporting: Do we have a Standard?
- Laparoscopic Micropouch Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass